JavaScript Tutorial

CSS Counters

These counters are similar to variables, and their values can be incremented by CSS rules to track how many times they are used.

They enable easy CSS-based incrementing and display of numbers for generated content. Here is a list of properties associated with counters:

  • counter-reset: It is used to create or reset a counter.
  • counter-increment: It is used to increment the counter value.
  • content: It is used to insert generated content.
  • counter() or counters() function: It is used to add the value of a counter to an element.

Note:- Before using a CSS counter, it must be created with a counter-reset.





Nesting Counter

We can also create counters within the counter. It is called nesting of a counter.






Different level of Nesting Counter

We can create outlined lists by using nesting counters. It facilitates us to insert a string between different levels of nested counters.





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